About us
Following several investigations carried out in Brazil and Colombia highlighting the impact of the cattle sector in deforestation and the monopolization of indigenous territories, an international coalition of associations (Canopée, NAAT, Sherpa, Envol Vert, FNE, Mighty Earth) and organizations representing the indigenous peoples of Colombia and Brazil (OPIAC, COIAB, FEPIPA and FEPOIMT) has been formed to remind European companies, and in particular French companies, of their responsibility in this destruction of human and living beings. This coalition named “Nourrir un monde déforesté” (Feed a deforested world) in allusion to the signature of the giant of the distribution Casino (strongly implanted in these countries) has assigned in justice this group for failure in its duty of vigilance.
The coalition members

Canopée is an organization founded in 2018 that was born from the critical need to build a citizen counter-power to better protect forests in France and around the world. He defends the vision of living forests, in harmony with human societies, where the rights of those who confer them are recognized. https://www.canopee-asso.org/

The Coordination of Indigenous Organizations of the Brazilian Amazon (COIAB),is the largest regional indigenous organization in Brazil. It was founded in 1989 and has since established itself as one of the main interlocutors of the indigenous peoples of the Amazon and Brazil vis-à-vis government and society. Its mission is to defend the rights of indigenous peoples in a strategic manner. It supports demarcations and the ratification of reserves, denounces invasions and lobbies for the protection of indigenous territories. https://coiab.org.br/

Pastoral Commission of the Earth (CPT) created in 1975, is attached to the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB). It is committed to the crucial issue of sharing the land and against the destruction of the environment. Its local teams are present in each of the states of Brazil, supporting communities and groups in struggle, adding its voice to theirs, denouncing injustice, violence, discrimination and forced labor. https://www.cath.ch/tag/cpt/

Envol vert works to preserve forests and biodiversity in Latin America (mainly Colombia and Peru) and in France. Since 2011, we have been developing field projects that include the reforestation of degraded areas, the development of agroforestry and alternatives to illegal logging. Envol Vert also conducts communication campaigns and awareness-raising actions to encourage companies and citizens to change their production and/or consumption methods. https://envol-vert.org/

The Federation of Indigenous Peoples of Pará (FEPIPA),is an organization that has been representing the indigenous peoples of the State of Pará in Brazil since 2016. Its objective is to defend the collective interests of the indigenous peoples and communities of the State of Pará by promoting their social, cultural and economic organization and strengthening their autonomy. https://twitter.com/fepipa_oficial

The Federation of Indigenous Peoples of Mato Grosso (FEPOIMT), created in June 2016, was born from the need to unite for action and political articulation, aimed at the social, cultural, economic organisation and sustainable and political development of the indigenous peoples and organisations of Mato Grosso. Its main challenges are the guarantee and regularisation of land, environmental management, territorial protection and the struggle for indigenous rights. https://fr-fr.facebook.com/indigenasMT/

France Nature Environnement is the French federation of associations for the protection of nature and the environment. We are the spokesperson for a movement of 5,837 associations, grouped within 46 member organizations, present throughout France, in mainland France and overseas. We mobilize against the destruction and for the restoration of marine and terrestrial ecosystems. We are involved in the institution of an environmental dialogue and the development of coherent policies. We ask that our country be at the forefront of the ecological transition. https://fne.asso.fr/

Mighty Earth is a global advocacy organization working to protect rainforests, oceans and the climate. Our campaigns and team have played a leading role in persuading the world’s largest food and agriculture companies to adopt policies to eliminate deforestation and human rights abuses from their supply chains, supply, and led to the adoption of multi-billion dollar transfers to clean energy. https://www.mightyearth.org/

Notre Affaire à Tous is an association that works to protect the living, the natural commons and the climate through the use of the law. Coming from the movement for the recognition of the crime of ecocide in international law and at the origin of the Affair of the Century, the members of Notre Affaire à Tous position themselves as “lawyers of the planet”, seeking to establish through case law, legal advocacy and citizen mobilization an effective and objective human responsibility vis-à-vis the environment. https://notreaffaireatous.org/

The National Organisation of Indigenous Peoples of the Colombian Amazon (OPIAC) is a Colombian indigenous institution that exercises the political representation of 64 indigenous peoples of the Colombian Amazon before national and international institutions. Its main objective is to ensure that all collective and individual rights of its members are respected and recognised by all actors in the Colombian Amazon region. https://opiac.org.co/

Sherpa is an association whose mission is to fight new forms of impunity linked to globalization and to defend communities that are victims of economic crimes. Sherpa works to put the law at the service of a fairer globalization. The action of the association is based on advocacy, strategic litigation, legal research and capacity building. Sherpa’s activities have contributed to the compensation of communities affected by economic crimes, to historic court decisions against multinationals and their leaders and to unprecedented legislative policies. https://www.asso-sherpa.org/
They support us

AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL (NGO) is a global movement of more than 10 million people from 150 countries and territories. Since 1961, AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL has had the mission to protect human rights, from the right to freedom of expression to the right to life.

The Articulation of the Indigenous Peoples of Brazil (APIB) is a national representative organisation of the indigenous peoples in Brazil, whose mission is the defence of indigenous peoples’ rights and to bring together the indigenous movement around the struggle for land. It was founded in 2005 in the Acampamento Terra Livre, a periodic national mobilisation which makes visible the situation of indigenous rights and demands that the Brazilian State comply with the demands of the indigenous population. It is made up of seven regional organisations representing all the biomes from north to south of the country. Its objective is to strengthen the union of the indigenous peoples, unify the agenda of claims and mobilize the peoples and organizations against threats and attacks. https://apiboficial.org/

Center for Climate Crime Analysisis a non-profit organization comprised of prosecutors and legal professionals dedicated to supporting and scaling up climate legal action around the world. http://www.climatecrimeanalysis.org

The Coordination of Indigenous Organisations of the Amazon Basin (COICA) is an indigenous organisation founded in 1984, which is an international umbrella organisation representing 511 indigenous peoples in the nine Amazonian countries. Its objectives are oriented towards the promotion, protection and security of indigenous territories, through their own ways of life, principles and social, spiritual and cultural values. https://coicamazonia.org/

The Global Alliance of Territorial Communities (AGCT) is a coalition of indigenous and local communities from the Amazon Basin, Brazil, Indonesia, Mesoamerica and the Congo Basin. It represents forest peoples in 24 countries and protects more than 958 million hectares of tropical forests. Its demands focus on the recognition of territorial rights; the protection of the lives of indigenous peoples and local communities; the establishment of prior consultation mechanisms; direct access to climate funds; and respect for ancestral knowledge. https://alianzaglobal.me/

TINTA is a global platform specialized in the promotion of connection, exchange, and learning experiences across indigenous peoples and local communities organizations and networks; we facilitate collaborative work on advocacy, communications and logistics at international spaces. https://filinvisible.org/

REPORTER BRASIL is a group of journalists and social scientists founded in 2001 around the issues of violations of the fundamental rights of people and workers in Brazil. It has since become one of the main sources of information on slave labor in Brazil and its research and articles are used by all actors to combat these practices.https://reporterbrasil.org.br/quem-somos/

SEATTLE AVOCATS is a law firm specializing in issues of corporate liability for environmental and human rights violations. Seattle Avocats brings its support and expertise to the coalition. https://seattle-avocats.fr/