After investigation, an international coalition of associations (Canopée, CPT, Envol Vert, FNE, Mighty Earth, Notre Affaire à Tous and Sherpa) and organizations representing indigenous peoples in Colombia and Brazil (OPIAC, COIAB, FEPIPA and FEPOIMT) gives formal notice to the Casino group to take the necessary measures to exclude beef from deforestation and the taking of indigenous territories from its supply chain in Brazil and Colombia. If the company does not comply within the three-month period provided for by law, the organizations intend to bring the matter before the competent court and also reserve the right to seek compensation for the resulting damages.

The Casino Group is the leading retailer in Brazil through its subsidiary “Grupo Pão de Açúcar”. It has a 15% market share in Brazil, and almost half of the group’s worldwide sales (47%) are made in the Latin American market.

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